Guardians of Artsakh Culture: Preserving Heritage and Providing Educational Opportunities for Displaced Children

Guardians of Artsakh Culture
$350.00 donated
2 Donors
XX Days Left
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Support over 50 displaced children from Artsakh as they preserve their heritage and explore new skills through this program, offering free classes in dance, history, needlework, choir, pottery, robotics, and painting, taught by skilled specialists from Artsakh at Ghoghanj Children’s Center.

  • About This Campaign

    Over 50 children, displaced from Artsakh, have found hope and belonging through the "Guardians of Artsakh Culture" program at Ghoghanj Children’s Center. This initiative offers free courses in ethnographic dance, history, needlework, choir, pottery, robotics, and painting, all taught by skilled specialists from Artsakh in the Artsakh dialect. The dedicated teachers from Artsakh bring not only their expertise but also a deep understanding of the children's heritage and experiences. By supporting this program, we are helping these children rebuild their lives, embrace their culture, and find joy and stability in a caring community.